
Advertise your products and services on Shareware Wire! We have several areas available throughout the site at very affordable rates!

New! Featured Programs - Categories - Our featured program area is an excellent way to get more pageviews and downloads for your software products. Our featured program category slots get even more exposure because your software is listed in over 150 categories. Software promoted in these areas benefit with more product views, downloads and increased sales! The featured program category slots are available on a week to week basis At just $1.99 per week! This makes it affordable for anyone to advertise and gain more exposure for their software products. These slots are filling up fast, we encourage you to get your software listed as soon as possible to avoid the waiting list! Click here to get started now!
Featured Programs - Our featured program area is an excellent way to get more pageviews and downloads for your software products. It is a proven fact that software in these areas benefit with more product views, downloads and increased sales! These featured program slots are available on a week to week basis At just $2.99 per week! This makes it affordable for anyone to advertise and gain more exposure for their software products. These slots are filling up fast, we encourage you to get your software listed as soon as possible to avoid the waiting list! Click here to get started now!
Promotion Box - If you are a software author and have software listed on our site, you can purchase our promotion box that resides on your listing page (example). You can add screenshots of your program, add screenshots or boxshots of other products you have, promote your affiliate program, virtually anything you want to advertise you can put here. Generate more downloads and create more product awareness! There are 5 slots available in this box for an extremely low price of $39 per year that's as little as $3.25 per month! (You can subscribe on a per month or per year basis )

As an added bonus we will also add one of your promotions to the download spotlight on the home page randomly rotated throughout each month for added exposure!

Partner Links – Partner links are text links that are located throughout the entire site! Text links are a very popular form of building link popularity and have a higher click through ratios than banner ads! You can purchase text links on our site at LinkWorth.

Multiple Category Listings – Upon submission of your program to Shareware Wire, our editor reviews your information and suggested category. We then place your software in the best possible category.

Now in addition to where we place your software, you can now opt to have your software listed in multiple categories! For only $2.49 per month (or $24.95 per year) you can choose to list your software in up to 5 relevant multiple categories and gain more exposure for your software! Click here to get started!

Don’t need that many categories? You can also purchase categories individually for $10.95 per year! That’s less than 99 cents a month! Click here to purchase categories individually.